Investing with Intention

Investing with Intention – Friday, October 9th at the City Club of San Francisco

Woman presenting.

Group of people

People talking.

Group of people chatting.

Woman presenting.

Person looking at brochure.

Couple posing.

Grouping of people talking.

Group of people posing for photo.

Investing with Intentions brochure.

The Ethisphere Award, recognizes individuals who "stood out for their positive achievements in the business ethics world" and is chosen by an advisory board comprised of business school Professors. Each year, Women's eNews honors twenty women and one male for having demonstrated their commitment to improving the lives of women and girls. The WEP award salutes business leaders for exceptional championship of gender equality and support for the Women's Empowerment Principles, a joint initiative of the UN Global Compact and UN Women

Banking and lending solutions provided by Raymond James Bank. Raymond James Bank, member FDIC, affiliated with Raymond James Financial Services and Raymond James & Associates, Inc.

If you’re someone people count on, particularly in difficult moments, that’s a sign of a life lived honorably.
Rachel Maddow